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Ryumon Folded Dragon Katana Sword

RY3041 - Ryumon Folded Dragon Katana Sword
Your price:  219.99

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The Ryumon Folded Dragon Katana Sword has a Hand Forged and Folded AISI 1060 high carbon steel blade tempered in the traditional clay method, which produces a hard and extremely sharp Ha (cutting edge), and a resilient spine. Masters who have been making swords for over 2000 years forge and  polish the sword to reveal it's beautiful hamon (temper line) and hada (grain pattern). Each iron tsuba on the Folded Dragon Katana Sword is traditionally detailed with a dragon motif. The wood saya is deeply lacquered with a glossy black finish and is tied with an imported Japanese cotton sageo. The tsuka (handle) is wrapped with authentic Same (rayskin) and imported Japanese cotton.

Ryumon Folded Dragon Katana Sword Features:

  • All the information stated above which lets you know what an incredibly made sword it really is. 

  • It also comes with a certificate of authenticity on silk scroll which tells information on your sword such as the makers name and experience and much more! 

  • The Ryumon Folded Dragon Katana comes with a premium maintenance kit and a reference guide including a silk sword bag!

  • Measurements:

    Blade: 28", Tsuka: 10 ¾", Overall: 40", Weight: 2.2lbs

    This Ryumon Samurai Sword is on sale for over 35% off the regular price and qualifies for a 30 day money back satisfaction guarantee!  Purchase this Ryumon Sword now and get an amazing sale price and peace of mind knowing that stands 100% behind their products!
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